To sum up June and as we head into summer I would like to leave all of you with an insight into what makes a good layout.
A good layout works
It does what you set out to do. You need to know what the purpose of the piece is, who it is for, and where it will be seen or how it will be distributed.
A good layout organizes
A good layout works
It does what you set out to do. You need to know what the purpose of the piece is, who it is for, and where it will be seen or how it will be distributed.
A good layout organizes
It maps out a visual path for readers to follow - shows what comes first, second third and so on. You must present the information in good order to make your message as clear as possible.
A good layout attracts
A good layout attracts
It grabs your readers' attention and pulls them into your piece. It has to stand out from the crowd by being different from everything around it. Depending on the environments and that can mean being startling, pretty, surprising, entertaining, unusual, or simple and direct.
The process of making a good layout is similar to doing a jigsaw puzzle:
You keep putting the pieces together different ways until they all fit comfortably.
You keep putting the pieces together different ways until they all fit comfortably.
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