Saturday, 26 June 2010

Money for Designs?

Why Money Shouldn’t Motivate Design.
The more I considered the question above, the more I realized that design has very much become a part of who I am. My point is, work is something that I have to do to survive and design is something I do because I love to. The fact that these two meet appropriately is something to ponder upon. Plus how many people do you know who do what they love?

This realization brought me to the conclusion that money isn’t in fact a primary reason behind my addiction to design. So what are the reasons for this obsession? What are the ends that justify the means?

Designers, architects, painters, construction workers, sculptors and welders have one thing in common: the act of creating something. We tend to build something, then crack open a beer (or Sprite if you prefer) and just stare at it for a while, not quite ready to move on. The sense of accomplishment and even self-pride is strong in these moments. Whether or not we had fun creating or cursed and spat our way through the entire project, that contemplative outcome is the same.

As a web designer I have no end to the list of things that I feel that I should be learning. HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Ajax, WordPress development, database management and countless other technologies are enough to make anyone feel overwhelmed. Yet we’re secretly excited as well aren’t we?

The last motivating factor that I’ll discuss for design is people. Many designers, though certainly not all, are driven by a love of interaction with other people. As a designer, you help your client express things that they are incapable of expressing on their own as effectively as they can with your aid. Whether they’re selling doughnuts or raising money to cure cancer, helping them gives you a sense of purpose. Some designers unfortunately hate their clients, and for good reason.

While our profession certainly has its hermits, many of us simply love the richness of the human interaction that a creative field brings. The money of course is a much needed source to survive and lets face it who does not love money?

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