Saturday, 22 May 2010

YouTube video embedded.

The video content site YouTube has taken the Web by storm. Videos of every conceivable topic can be found here, and you can upload and view them for free. It's also easy to add a link to your favourite YouTube videos on your blog, or even embed the actual video directly into your website.

Adding a video to your Blog.
Visit the YouTube website and log into your account. Once you have logged in select the video you wish to upload to your blog. Highlight the entire video URL from the address bar and copy it. Add the URL to your blog. Some blogging programs automatically make a link clickable, while others require you to insert the code. Publish your blog by following the specific instructions outlined by your blog software.

Adding a video to your Website.
This is just as simple if you have a fair knowledge of HTML or if you’re using an editor like Dreamweaver. Open your webpage where you wish to insert your YouTube video. Visit the YouTube website and copy the code. After this insert the code directly into your hard coded HTML page. Remember to insert it in-between the section of your page.

Why should I embed my video from YouTube?
Firstly embedding YouTube videos into your site keeps your website light. This means your website server is free of the additional MBs those high quality videos will occupy. Secondly it does not affect the performance of your website and finally the compression and streaming video content given out by YouTube only makes it a pleasure for your users.

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