To mention a few points on this topic, one would have to search for the cons of email marketing. This method of marketing is the most favourable way of communication. Information can be distributed immediately to a wide range of people at a very low and affordable cost, unlike other advertising methods that cost a lot because it involves paper work.
This is one of the best online marketing strategies that are available today. If the website is attractive then the marketers can track the return of investment in a better way by getting more visitors to the site. In this way companies too are able to send out individual emails to various receivers at a low to zero cost without spending on paper advertisements that are exorbitant.
The receivers on the other hand receive the message in their inbox instantly and most respond to the companies if the product is required by them. Most companies that do email marketing give much information on their products while offering prepackaged lists that are meant for the customer’s benefit. This gives the customer a complete know-how and it would induce the customer’s attention towards the product advertised.
On the other hand the company that advertises through e-mail marketing is able to get immediate results of their campaign by just counting the number of clicks and getting to know the number of people that visited their website. In this way the advertiser can get to know what went wrong and rectify the fault immediately to get better response from customers. This is definitely not possible with other advertising methods.
The pros keep mounting more and more since email marketing is definitely the best way to market one’s products. The marketer is convinced that thousands of viewers are visiting the site at one time and surely the response would be good if the site is attractive and informative.
Talking about the disadvantages of e-mail marketing, one can think of just one at the moment. The major problem that viewers as well as marketers face is the spam mail. With the increase of spam mail these days there could be a slight hindrance in the mail marketing strategy. It could divert the attention of the customers with the wrong information of a particular product or service.
Customers are confused with such mail that either get right into the inbox or find a place in the bulk mail folders. The spam laws are to be followed very carefully in this case and email shoppers are meant to check the authenticity of such bulk mail before visiting the sites.
Sometimes genuine mail too gets blocked by firewalls that protect spam messages. This could hinder email marketing to a certain extent. Another disadvantage could be the response from the customers. Initially the response and queries would be good, but one can’t keep them interested till the end, just a few responses will continue.